I went to the oregon coast in mid april for a weekend. I was able to do some catch up with some old tmobilers! we did a lot of site seeing, even though livin in Oregon, i havent been to the coast too much. So, i was about to see "the Devil's Churn".... it is a place down south of Newport where the ocean comes into the bay and down a short channel, then when it reaches the end, the waves break against the rock and comes back out!! it is really pretty but extremely dangerous! if you were to slip off the rock, you'd be crashed against the rock!
we also went down to the marina and visited the sea lions! this was my favorite part! they are right below you on a man made dock sun bathing! It was soo cute, as the kids come up and look over the bridge and point down at the sea lions, they look up and make this barking noise, which makes the lil kids laugh and stick around even more. I think they like the attention!
Although being at the coast for 3 days, i didnt even step foot on the sand :( sad i know! but it was pretty cold and was hailing, raining and even snowing while i was there.
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